Marketplace GMV analytics Marketplace Favicon Coppel

Coppel is a marketplace selling products from its own inventory and third-party sellers. Owned by Grupo Coppel S.A. de C.V., Coppel is a marketplace with nationally-focused sales. Its GMV is generated mostly in Mexico. Other countries only account for a small share of GMV, e.g., Argentina. The domain accounts for the largest share of its eCommerce GMV. With regards to the product range, Coppel is an all-round marketplace, with products on offer that cover different categories, such as Electronics, Fashion as well as Hobby & Leisure.

Marketplace Screenshot
Global GMV (2023)
Global rank (2023)
Main category
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Marketplace type

Coppel: Marketplace GMV analytics

GMV development of Coppel

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Gross merchandise volume

in million US$

YoY growth

in percent

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Global rank

by GMV
Please note
These numbers represent the aggregated gross sales generated on all domains listed under this brand.
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Coppel: Marketing performance indicators

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Coppel: Competitor analysis

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Coppel: History & milestones

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Coppel: Company & contact information

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